For many women, an important reason for getting a labiaplasty is sexual. Many ladies have genital lips which have become enlarged, sometimes by age or hormones, other times by sexual intercourse or child-birth. But whatever the cause, this enlargement is usually somewhat uncomfortable for the woman. As a result, it interferes with, and sometimes hinders, sexual intercourse.
For these women, labiaplasty offers hope. It offers the hope that the external part of her vagina can become reshaped. The result: Its appearance is better enhanced, and there is an increased level of sexual fulfillment for her.
But since sex is so important with many labiaplasty procedures, a logical question is: What exactly can I do to enjoy sex more following a labiaplasty? There are very definite things you can do.
1) The first key to enjoying sex following your labiaplasty is to take it slow and easy. Don’t rush into it. Although labiaplasty is an out-patient procedure, and a person usually returns to work within just a few days, with sex, you should take more time.
2) Give yourself permission to recover from the surgery. A labiaplasty causes the woman’s labia and area surrounding it to bruise. The result is that there is often swelling for a few weeks. Your surgeon will probably prescribe antibiotics for your soreness. He might also suggest that you restrict sexual conduct for a period of three to eight weeks.
3) Get into the habit of stretching your vaginal muscles. Somewhere between six and eight weeks after the surgery is the recommended time to start this routine, which is designed to soften the muscles.
4) Open up and speak freely with your sexual partner. Although you’re the person who had the surgery, labiaplasty will be a benefit to both of you. Try to convey to him the details of the recovery process and your need to be patient with this process.
5) Speaking of patience, when you do engage in sexual activity, do it slowly. Pay attention to the signals your body is sending. Experiment and notice if you’re getting outside of your comfort zone.
These five steps will help you make the most of your labiaplasty, and ultimately, your sexual life.