Let’s face it, this is the question that a lot of ladies have when contemplating a vaginoplasty: “What will others think?” There is so much negativity being spewed forth about this operation that a lot of people are made to feel dirty-or even guilty-for having the procedure done. You know what I tell them? WHO CARES?!
Listen, it’s normal for a person to want to be accepted and liked. But when the desire to be liked stats taking over your life and controlling major decisions in your life, it’s time to take a step back and regain control of your life. You must stop caring so much about what others are going to think.
One lady told something one time that I thought was a beautiful approach to life. She said, “My feeling is that it’s none of my business what other people think about me. I just don’t worry about it, because I know I’m a decent person.” How noble!
I once read a psychologist who said that when you start thinking about what others are going to think about you too much, recognize that this is your critical mind working. His advice: Kick those feelings away and remind yourself of all of the terrific things you’ve done in your life. Find good qualities about yourself. Now, weighed against all of that good stuff, doesn’t it seem silly to let people make you think negative stuff about yourself just because you’re going to change part of your body?
Everyone wants to be liked and nobody wants to be rejected. However, if you spend too much time and and too many thoughts worrying about what people think of you, you probably care too much. Here’s a tip for you: Write down a list of the best things about yourself. As you approach the day of getting your vaginoplasty and if people start to ridicule you for this decision, pull out your list. This will give you the confidence to do what you know you have to do to become a better you.
There’s a difference between not caring about people and not letting their feelings rule you. You want to care about others’ feelings. But do they care about yours? When their feelings start offending you, it’s time to back off and live your own life, confident that you’re a good person doing a good thing for yourself.