G Shot: Enhance sensitivity and arousal with G Spot Fillers
What is the G Spot? The G spot is an area of the anterior (front) of the vagina, about 2 inches in. The tissue may be a little thicker here, and is more sensitive to the touch. If you curl 2 fingers just inside your vagina and press your vaginal tissue toward your skin, and with the other hand, press down on the skin just above your pubic bone, you will likely find an area of increased sensitivity (even if it doesn’t … [Read more...]
Increased Sensation, New York
It's not uncommon for women to experience a decline in their sexual experience due to vaginal laxity. The reason? Decreased sensation. When vaginal tissue becomes lax or looses tone, the ability to reach orgasm and enjoy sex becomes impaired. With a vaginaplasty at Cosmetic Gynecology Surgery Suite tone is increased in the vaginal tissue to increase the quality of the sexual experience for both partners. Contact … [Read more...]
Sex and Headache
Often a headache was used as an excuse by women not to have sex. "Not now my dear, I have a headache". Then Marvin Gaye turned the tables on the sex-pain connection with his 1982 song "Sexual Healing." Scientists have studied women with headaches and sex. They found that actually if a woman has sex during her migrane the migrane goes away. It seems that orgasm cures migranes. Who would have guessed that. So now you … [Read more...]