I ran across a story on the Internet the other day that I thought I'd share with you. Not that there are many porn stars reading this site. . . I just thought it was interesting. … [Read more...]
When You and Your Partner Disagree About Vaginoplasty
As you might imagine, I frequently surf the Internet for material about plastic surgery in general and vaginoplasty and labiaplasty in particular. Recently, I found a message board conversation started by a woman who asked what to do if her boyfriend wanted her to have a vaginoplasty, to improve his experience during sex. He never asked my opinion, but if he had, it would have been this: If you don't have a desire … [Read more...]
Aging And Vaginal Appearance
As we age, we undergo certain physical changes in our entire body. This occurs at a different rate for everyone, with some people aging faster than others for a number of reasons. A lot of us will search our faces in the mirror each morning, worried about wrinkles, lines, and other effects of aging. When we notice them, we use cosmetic surgeries and treatments to fix and eliminate these problems. A lot of women do … [Read more...]
The Joy of Sex
Well the book "The Joy of Sex" is being resurrected and there was mention of it on Night Line. Yes that is the manual that was very popular in the 60's and 70's. However, even though it talked about positions, and areas of the body that are sensitive and never touched on how to make them sensitive in case they were not. How to make errogenous areas more errogenous. Well, that is where labiaplasty and vaginoplasty … [Read more...]
Ask whom, ask what, ask when
There is a lot of confusion as to what one can ask a doctor comfortably about things other than health without looking inappropriate and foolish and wasting time. It may surprise you, that a good doctor is interested or should be interested in your entire well being and that of your family. So if you have a question about anything pertaining to your body you should ask and if he/she does not know the answer, she/he … [Read more...]
Men and Vaginal Cosmetic Surgery
I frequently hear men poking a little fun at women who opt to have either labiaplasty or vaginaplasty done. These guys think it's a little odd for a woman to worry about this (even though presumably they'd be all in favor of the increased sexual performance that the surgery might bring). … [Read more...]
Labiaplasty and Vaginaplasty
It's amazing how difficult it is to do research on labiaplasty without coming across the term "vaginaplasty." Or how hard it is to find something on vaginaplasty without getting overloaded with information on labiaplasty. Why is that? It's because the procedures are so much alike that to a lot of people, they are the same thing. … [Read more...]
Guilt and Vaginal Surgery
I've found that for many women, the whole issue of getting reconstructive surgery on the vagina, whether through vaginaplasty or labiaplasty, is frought with emotional considerations. First, the reason that so many seek the procedure in the first place is because of negative emotions they hold toward themselves. Labiaplasty, for insance, is usually sought because of the labia tissue being overgrown. It becomes an … [Read more...]
Vaginal Rejuvenation Cream an Alternative ?
It had to happen: A Santa-Monica OB-GYN has invented a cream--That's right, a cream, that she says makes vaginoplasty unnecessary. The cream's creator is Terralynn Hoy, who created a product called Pk24. She said she did so after she heard men talking about how a relaxed vagina has negatively affected their sex lives with their female partners. This tightness vs. looseness is the main selling point for many women … [Read more...]
Child Birth and A Womans Body
A woman’s fears and anxieties regarding child birth can be a daunting list. Along with the myriad of worries about raising a happy, healthy child, the physical effects of pregnancy and child birth on her body often take a back seat to the more pressing issues. However, the reality of physical changes usually sets in very quickly. “Baby weight”, stretch marks and lactation are found at the top of the list in the early … [Read more...]