It seems that divorce is on the rise again. I think it may be due to the economic strain that many people are under. Very often divorce occurs as a surprise to at least one of the partners. Yet most likely the signs were there but we just choose to ignore thoughts that are too uncomfortable for words. Now that the reality of the divorce is here, and the cause may be a younger woman, many ex wives to be turn to vaginal plastic surgery. Why? Well, the couple most likely had children and if the delivery was vaginal the vaginal canal stretched and the introitus became lax. The episiotomy, even though sutured well, may have not healed tightly causing even more laxity. Most women feel that the vaginal laxity does not matter to the first partner-the father of the children. After all that what happens when you have children and the children matter the most. The children now come first and most women do not bother even thinking about their sexuality or vaginal laxity. However, when divorce occurs, suddenly the sexuality matters and of course vaginal laxity or firmness becomes a great focus of attention. So many women come for consultation to find out what is involved. Vaginal tightening procedure is simple and has very few complications. It takes about one hour with some sedation and a local anesthetic. Either the old episiotomy is opened and repaired with tighter musculature closure thus thightening the introitus. Sometimes there are sutures placed within the introitus or under the hymineal ring to tighten it. Discomfort is minimal but there is no sexual activity recommended for about six weeks. There are no sutures to be removed and there are no bandages. One of course should refrain from using a tampax during the recovery period. Anyone who thinks that they may be a candidate should come in for a consultation. At least the concerns may be discussed and the doctor can explain if one indeed is a candidate for this procedure.