A lot of women think that bigger is better when it comes to the bust. However, as many women who have very large breasts can tell you, this is not always the case. Many of them are unhappy with the situation, and they can tell you firsthand the effect that having large breasts has on their health and quality of life. For this reason, it is not surprising that around the world, thousands of women every year seek breast reduction.
Breast reduction surgery is designed to create aesthetic and functional results. For some women, having a breast reduction is optional. It is something that they do because they don’t like the way they look with larger breasts, or they don’t like the way they feel. For other women, it is a medical necessity. There are many benefits that come from having a breast reduction.
The primary benefit that attracts women to breast reduction surgery is alleviating pain. Regardless of how firm the support that a woman wears, and even if she spends time engaging in exercises that are designed to strengthen the core, there are a lot of women with larger breasts who suffer from back pain. For some of them, it is lower back pain, and others have pain in their upper or thoracic back.
The reason why large-breasted women have pain in their back is because since they have so much weight in their front, their breasts are constantly throwing them off balance. And so, their body is automatically making adjustments in order to keep them upright and to prevent them from toppling over. This compensation is performed by the muscles in the back. They are constantly struggling to work in ways that they were not necessarily designed to do.
Another benefit that many women receive from breast reduction surgery is that they are able to exercise and engage in certain activities freely. Running, jogging and engaging in other exercises that require a person to maintain a brisk pace can be uncomfortable, even if the woman is wearing a sports bra. The result is sore shoulders and irritated skin. For many women who live an athletic or active lifestyle, a breast reduction is a practical way to allow them to live their active life with less pain.
For some, breast reduction surgery is simply a matter of wanting to have a body that is in proportion. Even if a woman is relatively thin, if she has large breasts, it may look like she is overweight, or at least her body looks out of portion. Women who want the top of their body to match the rest of their figure may benefit from breast reduction surgery.
Make an appointment at Colen MD Plastic Surgery, with offices in New Jersey and Manhattan/NYC, to see if a breast reduction can work for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started!