Permanent Cosmetic Makeup & Medical Tattooing
Treat Yourself to Everyday Beauty!
ColenMD Plastic surgery is proud to introduce Permanent Cosmetic & Medical Tattooing to our list of services. Providing these services is our Registered Nurse, Maria Cuocci, RN. She received her training in micro pigmentation at the Beau Institute, a world-renowned training facility in Permanent & Corrective Cosmetics, in Mt. Laurel, NJ.
Micro pigmentation (MP) is the technical term used in permanent cosmetics. The pigment used during the procedure is sterile, and is placed in between the Epidermis and Dermis of the skin, like a ‘tattoo’. Micro pigmentation is used to enhance facial features – eyebrows, lips and upper and lower eyeliner. Usually two spaced treatments are needed to achieve these goals.
Is this For Me?
Permanent cosmetic is ideal for the woman on the go, the individual constantly penciling in her eyebrows, or even an elderly woman who is too shaky to apply her make-up. Breast Areola tattoos are ideal for the Breast Cancer patient post mastectomy, or even a cosmetic augmentation client who lost pigment from her procedure. No matter what age you are, feeling and looking beautiful is important, and here at ColenMD we are here to help you achieve that goal.
Permanent cosmetics may not be appropriate for the person who desires to change their look occasionally, is contemplating facial reconstructive surgery, is a sun worshiper, or tanning booth advocate, or has a chronic medical condition. As with any procedure which invades the skin, there are risks and benefits. It is best to discuss these options before you schedule your procedure.
Click here to see some of our patient before and after photos.

Contact Colen MD
Click here to contact Colen MD Plastic Surgery and set up a consultation to meet our surgeons Dr. Helen Colen and Dr. Stephen Colen at our Park Avenue Suite in Manhattan or to setup a consultation with Dr. Kari Colen in our Bergen County New Jersey office located in Hackensack, NJ.