Most Recent Publications and Articles featuring our New York City Plastic Surgeons
Previously Featured In:
December 2011 Harper’s Bazaar
The Pressures of Staying Young Colen MD Plastic Surgeons share their expertise on Ultherapy.
November 2000 Harper’s Bazaar, page 166
Round Table Cutting Remarks By: Christine Shea
1989: The Complete Woman
Who’s Who Dr. Helen Colen : Plastic Surgeon with a twist.
1985: Cosmopolitan Magazine
Going Bigger or Smaller By: Judith Hoffman
December 1999: Elle Magazine
The Party of the Century Beauty Special
April 1999: Elle Magazine
Special Beauty Issue
Health and Fitness
Dr. Stephen Colen shares his knowledge and expertise for Breast
Reconstruction and Cancer.
1988 Mademoiselle
Colen MD Plastic Surgeon featured in Mademoiselle as an expert in Plastic Surgery.
November 11, 1991: New York Magazine: Special Report
The Best Doctors in New York, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery By Janice Hopkins Tanne
2009: New York Magazine
The Best Doctors in New York
April 17, 2000: New York Magazine, page 45
CRET: The flawless form you attributed to all those crunches may in fact be the work of a plastic surgeon.
By David Colman
June 5, 2000: New York Magazine
The Best Doctors in New York
June 4, 2001: New York Magazine
The Best Doctors in New York
April 25, 2010: New York Magazine
New York Super Doctors
2006: New York Magazine
Your Trainer’s Secret By David Coleman
March 2006: New York Times
Does the Sex of the Surgeon Matter? By Ruth La Ferla
2001: New York Times
When Times get tough, some go for plastic surgery By Ruth La Ferla
1996 New York Times: For My Sister’s Nose
Colen MD Plastic Surgeons share their expertise on Nose Surgery.
1989 Parenting Magazine
Beauty and the Breast By : Kathleen C Engles
1988 Psychology Today
Beauty Quest By : Annette C. Hamburger
1997:Vanity Fair
Dr. Helen Colen featured as New York Plastic Surgeon in Vanity Fair.
May 1987: Vanity Fair – Health, page 65
“Plastic surgery can give your body and spirits a needed lift. But at what price?” By Paula Dranov
2000:Vogue Magazine
Colen MD Plastic Surgeons featured in Vogue Magazine.
October 1999:Vogue Magazine
Body Sense by Michelle Stacey
1996:Vogue Magazine
Leg Work

September 1986: Beauty Digest: Special Features, page 24
By Beasts Obsessed – We long for “perfect” breasts, but is that possible? By Leslie Epstein
March 1987: Beauty Digest, page 79 Under Your Skin – Making scarce work of Scars by Helen Colen
February 2011: Beauty Gala Asks: Plastic Surgery, Expert Versus At-Home Beauty Gallery
September 1985: Duns Business Month/Life-Style page 72 Vanity in the Executive Suite By Robert Levy
October 1986: Brooklyn Graphic/Senior Digest, page 6 Plastic Surgery- It’s good for you
September 18, 1989: News Week Magazine, page 236 Change Your Looks, Change Your Life By Dr. Helen Colen
May 20, 1996: New York-Special Issue The Best Doctors in New York
March 1997: Allure Magazine, page 138 A New Bottom Line: Experts say the new ultrasonic liposuction technique removes more fat, and with less pain, But is it safe? By Janice Min
1998: Weight Watchers, page 76 “The nineties are about being natural. Ant the face-lift of the nineties is a little softer and more natural.” – Dr. Helen Colen By Rod Davis
April 30, 2000: New York Post/Sunday Metro Edition Quick-fix lifts help you shape up By Libby Callaway
May 9, 2000: Family Circle Magazine, page 109 Carrie & Helen Colen Like Mother, Like Daughter
2001: The Best Healthcare for you and your family Top Doctors/ New York Metro Area (Fifth Edition)
April 30, 2003: New York Observer, New York’s Weekly Newspaper Media & Society: The Kindest Cut? Teens and Plastic Surgery By Deirdre Dolan