A vaginaplasty is a procedure that can improve the appearance and function of this area of your body. It’s a procedure that is often performed when you experience dryness and itching. You can get the toned feeling and enhancement that you desire to improve intimate relationships and to feel like a younger woman.
Sometimes, the muscles in your bladder weaken. This could be because of your age or from childbirth. There are some health conditions that can cause your bladder to weaken as well. After some time, your bladder can begin to sink into your vagina. A vaginaplasty can strengthen the muscles of your bladder and vagina so that there isn’t any kind of sinking. Weak bladder muscles can also begin to slip into the rectum. When the vagina is strengthened, it tends to push the rectum up as well, keeping the bladder from slipping as easily.
If you experience incontinence and find that it’s difficult to make it to the bathroom before you have the urge to urinate, then vaginaplasty might be an option to consider. The surgery can strengthen your vaginal floor while making your bladder a bit stronger as well. You won’t feel the need to urinate as often so that your bladder can get completely full before you use the bathroom. You might notice incontinence after childbirth or as you’re going through menopause. Sometimes, you might experience leakage when you do something as simple and natural as coughing or sneezing. The procedure can improve your bladder control so that you can enjoy being around others and enjoy life without worrying about whether you’ll have to urinate or not every few minutes.
Intimacy is one of the popular reasons as to why many women want to have vaginaplasty performed. Women who have this type of surgery have a toned and tightened vagina and usually experience more lubrication instead of dryness. When your vagina is loose or enlarged from events in life that include childbirth, you might experience pinching during intercourse. You could also experience discomfort while using feminine products. After your procedure, you’ll often notice that there is a tighter feeling during intercourse, which can deliver more pleasure for both you and your partner. Swollen or hanging labia are other reasons as to why you might want to consider vaginaplasty as the procedure can give you the natural shape that you desire.
Contact us today at Colen MD Plastic Surgery to learn more about this procedure! Schedule an appointment to learn more about the benefits of vaginaplasty and why you should consider the procedure to improve personal areas of your life. Our team proudly serves you from Hackensack, NJ and Manhattan, NY.