With plastic surgery on the rise, it is not surprising that even plastic surgery of a woman’s pelvic region is becoming one of the most popular types of plastic surgery requested. For years, nose jobs and breast implants have allowed women to have more self confidence.
Now, women are able to have not only more self confidence but a better sex life. Women that solely want more sensation during intercourse can have the hood of their clitoris trimmed, exposing the most sensitive part, making intercourse much more enjoyable. Women that think their labia are not the right length or width and feel their lips get in the way during intercourse can have a labiaplasty. Women that want to feel tighter “down there” can get a vaginaplasty for more friction during intercourse. There are numerous options and opportunities, and women from every state are flocking to the surgeons to spice up their love lives. Although surgeries such as the labiaplasty have existed since the 1990’s, it was very uncommon for surgeons to perform pelvic plastic surgeries. Until recently, the women that were getting labiaplastys and vaginaplastys were, in the adult entertainment industry, fashion models or very athletic women. Very few average women sought out vaginal surgeries. Today, vaginal surgeries have taken off. Women today are much more open about their bodies. The habit of bikini shaving and waxing also brought forth the scrutiny of the pelvic region as it became much more visible. Many women today also watching pornographic movies, and are more interested in their gynecologic health. Women are much more interested in sexual satisfaction and feel that they should be just as fulfilled as their male partners. Vaginaplasties and labiaplasties are done across the board on women of every background from celebrities to farmer’s wives, and they all love the results.