For many women, incontinence is associated with getting older and many consider slight leaking of urine to be a normal side effect of the aging process. Few women realize that incontinence is not a normal aspect of aging and is extremely common and treatable. This type of incontinence, referred to as stress incontinence, has characteristic leaking during physical activities and affects millions of women in the United States everyday.
The most common type of incontinence among women in the United States is stress incontinence which is incontinence on laughing, intercourse, changing positions, coughing, sneezing and any other strenuous activity that effect physical pressure on the bladder. Some of the cause are: The sphincter muscles, (the muscles that help retain urine in the bladder) are not strong enough to hold up against the pressure created and in effect relax, causing urine to release. In some the angle of the urethra changes in respect to the bladder making the sphincter somewhat incompetent. Many women experience this type of incontinence and don’t receive medical help because they are ashamed or embarrassed. Although stress incontinence can develop in any woman, especially women of older age, it is extremely common in women that have had several vaginal deliveries, and may also suffer from relaxation of other muscles of the pelvic floor. Women that suffer from this type of incontinence, may also need tightening of pelvic muscles including the muscles of the vagina walls. Vaginal rejuvenation definitely could increase their quality of life. By strengthening the muscles in the vagina as well as the perineum outside of the vagina, the muscles are made tighter resulting in more control over the sphincter muscles. In addition small band to be placed around the urethra will improve incontinence and thus will help women to get their life back on track without incontinence. Eliminating incontinence, and undergoing vaginal rejuvenation which leads to a smaller diameter of the vagina results in better sexual satisfaction. All these procedure can be done at the same time on an outpatient basis.