It is very frustrating for a person who's done all the right things such as watching their weight and exercising to still end up with unwanted fat on their bodies. This fat can be on their abdomen, buttocks, thighs, under their arms or even in their chin. This is a special problem for many people whose bodies are simply reluctant to get rid of fat in certain places. It's even more of a problem for those who live in … [Read more...]
NYC Liposuction – Who is a Good Candidate?
Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in NYC and elsewhere in the present day. We are always trying to become the best version of ourselves. For some, no matter how much they diet and exercise, it can be difficult to get rid of stubborn fat. That is where Colen MD Plastic Surgery comes in. If you have considered liposuction, we invite you to determine if you are a good candidate for the … [Read more...]
Eliminate Unwanted Fat with Liposuction in NYC
Are you the type of person who is genuinely concerned about your appearance? Maybe you go to the gym every single day. You don’t put anything in your mouth unless you’ve counted the calories and examined the micronutrients. You will not let the day pass until you had at least eight glasses of water. You’re doing everything right, so theoretically you should look phenomenal. So why is it that you are battling with … [Read more...]
Overcome Stubborn Fat with Liposuction in NYC
There are days when you look at your body and you want to cry. It's not cooperating with you. You do everything they tell you to do. You carefully plan your menu every day, count your calories, and make healthy choices. You commit yourself to doing some type of physical activity for at least a half hour a day. There are some days you put in a good hour or more. You have managed to reach the magic number on the scale … [Read more...]
Getting Liposuction in NYC
Let’s discuss a few of the reasons why you may want to consider getting liposuction. First, as you know firsthand, NYC is a very trendy city. People appreciate looking nice, and they respect people who care about their own appearance. To that end, it’s likely that as an NYC resident, you are concerned about the clothing you buy, you’re concerned about your style, and you’re concerned about your overall health. So you … [Read more...]
Am I an Ideal Candidate for Liposuction?
Liposuction is a very popular procedure. It is designed to help individuals who have pockets of excess fat that they cannot get rid of on their own attain a firm and fit appearance. Contrary to what some people believe, it is not designed to be a weight loss procedure. That means that liposuction is not designed to take an individual who is obese and bring them down to a healthy size. There are other procedures that … [Read more...]
Why Is Labial Fat Injection Or Liposuction Done?
Labia come in many different sizes, shapes, colors, and textures. With the increasing prevalence of pornography and eroticism, a false ideal appearance of the labia is widely perceived and this can make women who do not have this perfect labial appearance feel inferior or unattractive. There are cosmetic procedures, including a labiaplasty, that can change the way your labia and mons pubis appear, so you are … [Read more...]
Sexy Clothes for sexy bodies
Summer will be here soon and again short skirts, bathing suits and shorts will be worn. As we come out of hybernation we look in the mirror and often would like to tweak certain parts to make them look good and attractive. Liposuction becomes very important. However, did you know that you can do liposuction of the body and preserve the fat and then inject it wherever you need it. Often people inject fat into labia … [Read more...]