Today, the public’s view of plastic surgery has changed drastically. In previous decades, people tended to think that procedures such as face lifts or breast enhancements were either: A) something only the rich did, B) only for those who are extremely vain, or C) weird. Surveys today, though, show that the woman down the street from you is as likely to have had some form of plastic surgery as your favorite Hollywood performer. It’s become an acceptable way for a person to feel better about herself.
And then there’s labiaplasty. It’s the plastic surgery procedure that continues to hide in the closet, hoping nobody notices. But why? There are just as legitimate of reasons for a woman to get a labiaplasty as for any other plastic-surgery procedure. Think of it as a “self-esteem lift.” Or a “life lift.” Let’s take a look at what labiaplasty is, what it accomplishes, and what you can expect if you choose to have this procedure done.