Are you considering lip augmentation? If so, you’re not alone. Lip enhancements are some of the most popular cosmetic treatments that are performed today. You may be asking yourself, are lip enhancements right for me? This is a question we are asked frequently. Here are the top five reasons why this cosmetic treatment may be right for you.
You Have Naturally Thin Lips
There are a number of individuals who, thanks to genetics, have naturally thin lips. They may have a thin upper lip or may have a very thin lower lip. Their lips can be so thin that when they smile, it seems like their lips completely disappear. Lip augmentation treatments can give you the full lips you desire. They can give you that pouting look in a natural way.
Aging Has Caused Your Lips to Lose Their Volume
As we get older, our lips loses volume. At the same time, fine lines and wrinkles start to appear around ours mouths. These things work together to make us look and feel a lot older than what we really are. Dermal fillers can add volume. They can help smooth out some of the wrinkles that appear in your lips and give you a softer smile.
Restore Balance to Your Face
Quite often, people who have thin lips feel that their face looks unbalanced. Everyone wants to have a balanced face because we understand that facial symmetry is directly linked to an attractive appearance. If your lips are very thin, the overall look of your face gets thrown off.
Thin Lips Make You Self-Conscious
When people look at your face, the first place they look at is your eyes. After your eyes, they look at your lips. All of this happens in a matter of seconds. In that very quick time frame people make decisions about you by the way you appear. If you know that your lips are exceptionally thin or nonexistent, this can make you feel self-conscious.
You may have tried things like lipstick to enhance the perceived appearance of your lips. However, if the lipstick is not applied in just the right way, you can actually draw attention to your thin lips. When you use lip enhancement treatments, you’ll get real full lips. When you apply lipstick, it will not be to try to hide your lips but instead an attempt to draw attention to your full and plump lips.
You Want to Look Young and Healthy
If you have full lips, you look younger and you look like you are in good health. This is because your lips are essential part of your facial structure. When you have thin lips, it changes the way that you smile. When you smile with your mouth closed, your front teeth are visible because your lips are so thin. So it makes your smile look less appealing and more like a grimace.
Are you looking to do something about your thin lips? Lip augmentation could be just what you need. Contact us today at Colen MD Plastic Surgery and schedule your consultation! We proudly serve the NYC area with locations in Manhattan, NY, and Hackensack, NJ. Let us show you the options available to help you get the youthful pout you desire.