Maybe you have a friend who is talking about having a labiaplasty done to rejuvenate her love life, and now you’re wondering if the procedure might be good for you, too. And so you wonder: Are you really ready for it?
Most competent plastic surgeons would join me in advising you to not just look in the mirror in making this decision. Instead, consider these six signs that show you just might be ready for a labiaplasty.
1) You might be ready for a labiaplasty if you’ve done your research. This means you should study up on the procedure itself, to know what to expect before and after the treatment. Understand the pain medicines you’ll probably be taking, and how much recovery time you need. Research also means finding a surgeon that you have confidence in.
2) You might be ready for a labiaplasty if you’re doing it more for yourself than anyone else. If extreme emotional distress is motivating the decision, you might want to get some professional counseling first. Do it to feel better about yourself….but not because you feel lousy about yourself without it.
3) You might be ready for a labiaplasty if you’ve gotten your finances in order. You need to have a good knowledge of how much money you need (for the procedure as well as follow-up expenses), plus a plan for acquiring the necessary money.
4) You might be ready for a labiaplasty if you have a support network ready to help you. Any kind of plastic surgery often has an impact on the patient‘s physical and emotional health. A good support network of family and friends will raise your confidence level as you transition into your new life..
5) You might be ready for a labiaplasty if you’re ready for complications. You’ll go a long time before you ever find a labiaplasty that is 100 percent perfect. Talk openly with your doctor about complications and risks you might face. Labiaplasty has become such a common procedure, with so many good surgeons performing them, that most complications with the surgery are minor and short-lived. Still, it’s best to be prepared; nothing is worse than recovering from surgery only to encounter unexpected negative surprises!
So after reading this assessment, how did you do? If you have to give a “no” to several of these five, then maybe right now is not the best time for a labiaplasty. But if you got mostly “yes” on the checklist, then start your research now. And good luck in achieving a better you.