If you’ve talked with enough plastic surgeons or researched labiaplasty enough on the Internet, you probably know the standard line by now concerning the recovery process: Labiaplasty is an out-patient procedure. You recover at home within a period of up to six weeks. But if you’d like a bit more in-depth information, then here’s a helpful timeline for you.
In your first week following surgery, you should just take it easy and relax. Limit all activity to just deskwork, light chores or a small amount of walking for exercise. Otherwise, these first few days are a great opportunity to catch up on reading, TV shows or small hobbies. Feel free to go up and down the stairs, cook or drive, but refrain from activities like swimming, vacuuming, or carrying heavy objects. Remember to take your pain medications if needed, but if you find yourself not needing them, then don’t.
Around weeks two to four, increase physical activity gradually, but still avoid lifting heavy objects. You can walk longer distances, but still avoid power walking and jogging.
After about six weeks, you should find yourself slowly moving toward more activity, more heavy lifting, more exercise, and even more freedom in sex. But never overdo it. Your comfort level should be your guide.
During the first month to six weeks, if you had any vaginal work as well don’t use a tampon. In fact, the only thing you should put into your vagina should be estrogen cream. Use the estrogen cream each day for a couple of months. this will help you with healing and regeneration of skin. It also helps prevent erosions of mesh if, along with your labiaplasty, you also had a reconstructive pelvic surgery. At around week six or seven, begin vaginal stretching exercises. You can speak with your surgeon’s office to get more information about this. Of course this does not apply to those women who only had a labiaplasty procedure.
For three months following the labiaplasty, be sure to take a vitamin daily. This will help make sure your nutrition is up to par. Also, to lower your risk of straining during bowelmovements, take Colace or other stool softener. If you had vaginoplasty along with the labiaplasty, ask your surgeon about using Colace two times a day. Also take a tablespoon of Milk of Magnesia or Metamucil daily. Drink liberal amounts of water and / or prune juice.
Above all, continue to follow your doctor’s instructions throughout this period. As long as you’re gentle with yourself and follow your doctor’s guidelines, you should return to your old self–or even better than your old self–in just a period of a few months.