Although many women choose to have labiaplasty performed to change the size or shape of their labia for cosmetic reasons, in certain circumstances labiaplasty may be performed for medical or hygienic reasons. In medical situations, the prime reason for labiaplasty is to increase the function and health of the female perineal area rather than beautification. … [Read more...]
Dr. Kari Colen
Dr. Kari Colen has joined the practice of plastic Surgery at Colen MD Plastic Surgery Suite. She has finished a very rigorous training at NYU medical center and is very competent and well trained. She is knowledgeable about all plastic surgery procedures and also an expert on vaginal reconstruction and labiaplasty. Having children of her own she understands the way the body changes after childbirth and is very … [Read more...]
Buttock lift
Many people write about a Brazillian Buttock lift. I have been doing the buttock lift procedure for many years with excellent results. Basically, one does not need any implants. One removes the extra skin from the bottom part of the buttock and lifts the thigh and the posterior leg skin and tissue. All the fat and inner tissue of that area is tucked on the upper part of the buttock underneath the remaining skin. It … [Read more...]
Cosmetic Gynecology-The need for approval
Many women who want to undergo vaginoplasty or labiaplasty or any other cosmetic enhancement feel the need of approval from others. However, many groups and many women disapprove of changing anything about your body. They find it a sign of weakness. They feel that you should keep what you have and be proud of it. They feel that it is your brain and you that are important and not how your body looks. Of course, that … [Read more...]
Labiaplasty and Pain
Large or hypertrophic labia minora can cause discomfort during physical activities such as running or riding a bicycle and also during intercourse. … [Read more...]
Confidence is the Key: Surgery in the Pelvic area
For many women, sexual confidence is difficult to achieve. As women become more independent and equal with men in education and in earning a living bashfulness and innocence is also changing. More women talk more freely about the appearance of their pelvic structures just as the men do. With that freedom even magazines and shows discuss the “accepted” and “desired” look of a woman’s labia and vaginal area. … [Read more...]
Libido in the postpartum
Many religions teach that sexual relations should only occur for the purpose of propagation. Therefore, contraception and the pleasure principle should not be considered. It is interesting to note that in a way biological insticts dicatate same but only after the female gives birth. Many women complain of loss of libido after giving birth. That of course lasts for up to one year for some, a lifetime for others. Some … [Read more...]
Spicing Up your Love Life
With plastic surgery on the rise, it is not surprising that even plastic surgery of a woman’s pelvic region is becoming one of the most popular types of plastic surgery requested. For years, nose jobs and breast implants have allowed women to have more self confidence. … [Read more...]
Butt Lift
Speaking about sexual rejuvenation-it cannot be complete without a good buttock lift to remove all the extra flesh that a loose buttock brings to the vaginal and labial area. A good buttock lift with scarring in the folds which heal perfectly without obvious scars removes lots of excess skin from overhanging labia majora and inner thighs. The extra drooped tissue is folded under a skin flap while excess skin is … [Read more...]
Variety of methods in Labia minora reductions
Many women request reduction of the labia minora for functional, aesthetic and social reasons. The demand for this procedure is not only in the US but all over the world. Labia minora hypertrophy can be congenital or acquired by chronic irritation, exogenous androgenic hormones or constant stretching by mechanical means. Large labia minora can cause inflamation, poor hygiene, interference with sexual intercourse and … [Read more...]