It seems almost every month I hear more plastic surgeons being sued for malpractice or botched surgeries. Many of these make it into the news. As I was thinking about this the other day, I started wondering why this is--and what my fellow plastic surgeons can do about it. … [Read more...]
While You’re Waiting for Your Plastic Surgery
Let's be honest: Not everybody can get their plastic surgery done right when they decide they need it. Many people need to spend some weeks or months saving up for the procedure or getting other things in line. Good news: There are things you can do even while you wait for your labiaplasty, face lift or tummy tuck, to help you maintain your youthful look. These are not permanent solutions, but will be a … [Read more...]
How to Get the Best Price for Your Plastic Surgery
Have you decided you have to have a labiaplasty or vaginoplasty procedure but don't quite have enough money? Maybe you're oh-so-close, but still just a bit short. I'm going to put my own bank account in jeopardy and share with you some secrets to saving money on your plastic procedure. … [Read more...]
Plastic Surgeons and Hand Washing
I am religious about washing my hands. I don't do it just after a trip to the restroom, but if I touch anything that might be dirty, being aware of the work I do, I have developed the habit of regular hand hygiene. … [Read more...]
Cosmetic Surgery Company’s Fake Reviews
I saw an item in the news the other day that just adds to my obsession with telling potential patients that they need to thoroughly investigate their plastic surgeon before they hire him or her to perform a procedure. Unfortunately, this news item shows just how hard unscrupulous surgeons are fighting against that research. … [Read more...]
You Might Be Ready for a Labiaplasty If. . .
Maybe you have a friend who is talking about having a labiaplasty done to rejuvenate her love life, and now you're wondering if the procedure might be good for you, too. And so you wonder: Are you really ready for it? … [Read more...]
Another California Cosmetic Surgeon Busted
The year is only about two months old and already another cosmetic surgeon has been arrested. This time it was a California plastic surgeon from Tracy who was charged with inappropriately touching several female patients. … [Read more...]
Those Crazy Plastic-Surgery TV Shows
All of a sudden, when it seemed reality TV had no more frontiers to conquer, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery has become a real ratings winner. It's been boosting ratings for several years now at ABC, with "Extreme Makeover." And now there's the flashier, some would say sexier, "Dr. 90210." … [Read more...]
Overseas Plastic Surgeon: Two Horror Stories.
Late last year, a French surgeon who practiced--illegally--as a plastic surgeon was sent to prison for four years. Before being caught, Michael Maure had performed botched operations on literally dozens of women. Maure was sentenced and now awaits extradition from Spain, where he traveled soon after the scandal broke. As is usually the case with cosmetic-quacks, Maure did not have proper credentials for performing … [Read more...]
Watch Out for Quack Plastic Surgeons
Before you make the commitment to have any particular plastic or cosmetic surgeon perform your labiaplasty or vaginaplasty procedure, a word of warning: Watch Out for Quacks! They seem to be pervasive in this field of medicine. … [Read more...]